Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Black Box Executable Optiportal Rendering with OpenGL

This year I have been supervising Steven Jonkers on a rendering technology honours project, looking at how to hook into OpenGL executables so that binaries will run on the QUT CUBE, sans modification. Steven has created some great technology to automatically hook into the applications so that they are rendered onto large segmented displays. The methods interrupts the GPU pipeline using windows message hooks, and implements a master-slave distributed renderer, allowing very low network overheads, even for large particle systems.  

The following video links show example OpenGL demonstrators running, without modification, on the OptiPortal in the QUT HPC department.  NB, move to end of video to see the OptiPortal renderings.

Shadow Maps - http://youtu.be/kLXQOqifrLM

2D Particle Simulation - http://youtu.be/qdbJNhl7lBI

HDR Demo - http://youtu.be/006wsuWlfFE

This is a great outcome for an honours thesis (nice work Steven!), and will continue as an ongoing project in liason with the QUT Cube team and HPC.

Thanks to Michael Rosemann for the "motivational" IS Honours scholarship for Steven.


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