Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Video: Towards a service framework for remote sales support via augmented reality

Demonstration video of AR Sales Services prototype mockup for USECA 2011 paper can be found here.


Paper: Towards a service framework for remote sales support via augmented reality

New paper accepted at USECA 2011 has been uploaded here.

Abstract. Real-time sales assistant service is a problematic component of remote delivery of sales support for customers. Solutions involving web pages, telephony and video support prove problematic when seeking to remotely guide customers in their sales processes, especially with transactions revolving around physically complex artefacts. This process involves a number of services that are often complex in nature, ranging from physical compatibility and configuration factors, to availability and credit services. We propose the application of a combination of virtual worlds and augmented reality to create synthetic environments suitable for remote sales of physical artefacts, right in the home of the purchaser. A high level description of the service structure involved is shown, along with a use case involving the sale of electronic goods and services within an example augmented reality application. We expect this work to have application in many sales domains involving physical objects needing to be sold over the Internet.

Boast: PhD Thesis Success!

This week my PhD student, Alfredo Nantes, has passed his external thesis examination. In addition, he has been nominated for a QUT Outstanding Thesis Award by both his reviewers.

Well done Alfredo! :-)

Some of his work is detailed here and here. Special thanks also goes to Dr Frederic Maire, who assisted as associate supervisor.
