This is a blog devoted to researching the cognitive effects of Virtual and Augmented Reality. Our Research Question is - "How can synthetic embodied VR/AR environments enhance aspects of human cognition?" The blog shows outcomes of our research projects, such as papers, videos, paper reviews and other useful artifacts.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Video: A Day Made of Corning Glass

Monday, March 14, 2011
Link: QUT Game Students Media Article

Well done!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tech Demo: Fractal Lab - WebGL

Saturday, March 5, 2011
Boast: QUT ERA Results - IS Discipline best in Australia

An ERA rating of 5 is defined as: "The Unit of Evaluation profile is characterised by evidence of outstanding performance well above world standard presented by the suite of indicators used for evaluation." http://arc.gov.au/era/outcomes_2010/FoR/MIC0806
In addition, QUT has been ranked overall as 10th in Australia on research record. This is an amazing achievement, as QUT has only recently been focussing on research in addition to its teaching.
In addition:
The top journals in the global field of Information Systems are bundled in the widely accepted 'Basket of Six'. Sometimes two further journals (JSIS, JIT) are added and make up the 'Basket of Eight', ie. the highest regarded journals in the IS research world. The Association of Information Systems (AIS) endorses an online ranking base that allows to compare the performance of universities and authors over the last years.
In the most recent ranking (incl. 2010 data), QUT's Information Systems Discipline
* is ranked 14th worldwide in terms of publications in the 'Basket of Eight' over the last three years (highest in Australia, higher than any European university)
* is ranked 23rd worldwide in terms of publications in the 'Basket of Six' over the last three years (highest in Australia, higher than any European university)
In addition, Jan Recker (a colleague I have written a number of papers with) is ranked 37th in the Basket of Six list of authors over the last three years.
This is very satisfying and encouraging evidence for our standing in the global Information Systems community.
For these and further details see: http://vvenkatesh.com/
Makes it a little hard for me to keep up with, but good to be on a winning team. :-)