Saturday, August 16, 2014

CFP: Interactive Entertainment 2014 - (EXTENSION to Submission Date - 31 August)

Interactive Entertainment 2014 - Fun and Games – Call For Papers

(EXTENSION to Submission Date - 31 August, 2014)

Location: University of Newcastle, Australia
Conference Dates:  2-3 December, 2014
Paper Submissions: 31 August, 2014 (EXTENDED)

Interactive Entertainment is Australasia's longest running games and digital entertainment conference. IE2014 marks the 10th anniversary of the conference which is hosted this year by the University of Newcastle, Australia.

IE2014 welcomes scientists, designers, artists, technicians, students, industry and academics from across the spectrum. We encourage contributions from fields as diverse as computer science, social science, design, communication, media studies, music, engineering, health and mathematics. Anyone interested in the myriad of technologies and issues that impact on interactive entertainment and computer games are encouraged to come along and share their discipline's perspective on "Fun and Games".   


·         heuristic methodologies
·         control and evaluation
·         design practices and method
·         design history
·         transmedia
·         experience measurement
·         dynamic difficulty balancing
·         core mechanics
·         discussions on narrative
·         networking models
·         game physics
·         game graphics
·         sound design
·         artificial intelligence
·         user interface design
·         serious games
·         exergaming
·         development processes
·         evaluation methodologies
·         creativity in games
·         experimental gameplay forms
·         advances in mobile and portable games
·         Virtual Reality
·         interactive simulation
·         interactive film
·         animation in games
·         history of interactive media
·         commercial concerns
·         case studies on interactive applications
·         games thinking not listed here

IE2014 will accept four kinds of submissions; all types of submissions will be peer reviewed published online in the ACM International Conference Proceedings.

Regular Papers (Recommended length: 7-10 pages)
All regular papers will be peer reviewed fortechnical merit, significance, clarity and relevance to interactive entertainment. Accepted papers are required to give a 15-20 minute presentation at the conference.

Short Papers (Recommended length: 3 pages)
Short papers represent novel work in progress that may not be yet as mature as regular submissions, but still represents a significant contribution to the field. All short papers will be peer reviewed for technical merit, significance, clarity and relevance to interactive entertainment. Accepted papers are required to present a poster at the conference.

Demo Submissions (Recommended length: 1 page)
Technical demonstrations show innovative and original implementations to interactive entertainment. Demo papers will be reviewed by the conference chair and the program chair forsignificance and relevance.

Exhibition Submissions (Recommended length: 1 page)
These submissions are for work which will be exhibited in the conference's dedicated space. Applicants are to submit a short write-up outlining and contextualising the work to be exhibited, including pictures. They will need to provide a clear understanding of the proposed exhibited design work and its relationship with interactive entertainment.


For more information, please visit or email

Dr Karen Blackmore
School of Design, Communication and Information Technology
Room MCG18, McMullin Building
The University of Newcastle
University Drive
Callaghan NSW 2308

Ph: +61 2 492 15206
Fax: +61 2 492 15896


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