We would like to give you an update on the conference activities:
- Prof. John Mylopoulos (University of Trento, Italy) will give an APCCM keynote at the ACSW 2014 on "Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering"
- the PC list is finalised and can be viewed on http://2014.apccm.org/
- we have again a Best Paper Award (NZD 500.-) sponsored by University of Auckland and University of South Australia.
- Less than three weeks to the paper submission deadline (12 August 2013)!
We would very much appreciate if you could help us promoting the conference by distributing the call for papers enclosed throughout your networks.
A PDF version of the call can be downloaded from http://2014.apccm.org/files/APCCM2014_CallForPapers.pdf
We would also very much appreciate if you could start following the conference at Twitter:
and retweet information that will be posted on Twitter. The hashtag for the conference is #apccm2014
We are looking forward to meeting you in Auckland, New Zealand in January 2014.
Thank you,
Georg Grossmann and Motoshi Saeki
APCCM 2014 PC Co-Chairs