Bother is that they only have windows builds, due to the use of the Irrlicht games engine as underlying software. Works in Firefox and IE 7.0, and source has a BSD licence.
Looks good on the outside, will be testing and reporting on its usefulness as we play with its capabilities. Such web-based solutions can only help the business use of virtual worlds, as it opens up SAAS, web deliverable solutions. While I have commented about the need to also have dowloadable document-like worlds, there is nothing wrong with a slick well produced web-delivered piece of software.
BTW, a QUT graduate, Johan Berntsson is on the development team.
Thanks for checking out Rei.
As you say, currently Rei is Windows-only, but the underlying Irrlicht engine can be made cross-platform. The viewer itself doesn't only run in the browser, there is a standalone app too, that was run successfully on linux (see http://zaki.asia/2009/11/05/irrlicht-netcp-rei-on-linux/ that is a little dated now, as things have moved on and everything is now in the master branch).
Linux support is not 100% yet unfortunately, it will take a little more time (we have some performance issues, that might be due to either mono or the graphics driver - or both :)).
Johan is actually a key person to work on Linux support :)
Hello, I'm Norman from 3Di. Great to hear your interest in our viewer. Please feel free to join our mailing lists (information on the home page at 3di-rei.org) with any questions or comments you might have.
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